Anserina Films to Get a New Home

Anserina Films, the video and film division of Communica, is getting a new home at 706 Monroe Street. This is the fourth building that Communica will occupy on the Monroe and Erie Street corner of downtown Toledo. While construction is underway, the building is in need of significant renovations. A completion date for construction has not been set.

Jon Kimble, filmmaker, described the need for the new space. “We need more space for studio filming. Right now, we are extremely dependent on location shooting as our current studio is proving to be too small for larger shoots. Audio recording is also an issue right now,” stated Kimble. The new space will have two large bays to help with larger shoots and scheduling conflicts as well as a dedicated audio recording studio.

The Anserina Films division provides video production work for BASF, Hercules Tires, MTS Seating, Louisville Ladder, DTID, Software Pricing Partners and many others. Their resume includes television commercials, support for trade shows, websites and social media as well as corporate outreach.

Members of the Communica film team already have produced several feature length films. They are planning to complete another one in the next year, the first under the Anserina name.



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