Anchor Loans Expands Their Customer Base and Turns Thought Leader

Business-to-business marketing can take on a variety of challenges and companies need to figure out how to efficiently and effectively reach their target customer in new geographic areas. Anchor Loans, the nation’s largest and oldest fix-and-flip lending company wanted to expand their customer base and be positioned as a thought leader. As an existing client, Communica developed a public relations strategy to help achieve these goals.

Communica researched and developed a strategy that encompassed focusing on national and trade media to harvest potential coverage for Anchor Loans. The president and CEO Stephen Pollack possessed the content knowledge, expertise and personality to serve as a relevant and engaging thought leader for the campaign.

With new milestones being achieved by the company, Communica developed new key messages and set out on a media relations campaign to discover potential opportunities. The momentum picked up quickly for Anchor and garnered touch points and interviews with prestigious publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Bloomberg. Mr. Pollack has also appeared on the Ray Lucia Talk Show, Investibility podcast and in several local business journals.

Anchor Loans News Coverage

With more than 20 years in the fix-and-flip industry, weathering the 2008 downturn and continually exceeding the industry’s record fundings, Anchor Loans has a bright future in front of them. Communica is proud to be their partner.

New York Times - Anchor Loans